been thinking about my Tori lately...
will forever be something that frequently runs through my head.
sweet Tori passed November 7, 2009 at the young age of 19
but we really lost her when she was just shy of 15
it was an unforgettable experience to watch her
through this journey the past 4 years.
she changed my life.
and many others'.
she was a hugger
she asked questions
she was interested
she was sincere
she was deep
she was thoughtful
she was affectionate
she was smart
she was caring
she was sympathetic
she was happy
she was a dancer
she was my dear friend.
Dancing "Victoria" that bff Mckenzie and I choreographed for Tori
Tori came to watch
read more about Tori here
make sure to watch her dance video and the tribute video made by her sweet sister Whitney
now she's dancing with angels
*B&W funeral photos by Eric Ward*