one of the best things about being an elem ed major is that i get to be a kid again.
it's like reliving my past only better because i don't have to learn everything again.
i'm in a children's literature class right now and was reading a book called "rules" for the class when a girl asked:
"so... why are you reading a kid book?"
me: "oh i'm an el ed major so i have to take a class called children's literature and we have to read several children's books."
her: "really? i wonder why..."
me: "well the class is called children's literature so..."
her: "ya.. i just don't get why they would have you read those."
hmmm... wonder why... ;)
just had to laugh at that one.
i do recommend reading "Miss Spitfire" by Sarah Miller. It's Anne Sullivan's point of view while working with Helen Keller. Really interesting. Quick read. Absolutely loved it! It definitely opened my mind.
i also recommend "Rules" by Cynthia Lord so far (i'm only 60 pages into it). It's about a girl who deals with an autistic brother. I just love reading about people with disabilities. So interesting to me! maybe i should look into that for a major... hmm.. ;)