Friday, March 5, 2010

children's books

one of the best things about being an elem ed major is that i get to be a kid again.
it's like reliving my past only better because i don't have to learn everything again.
i'm in a children's literature class right now and was reading a book called "rules" for the class when a girl asked:
"so... why are you reading a kid book?"
me: "oh i'm an el ed major so i have to take a class called children's literature and we have to read several children's books."
her: "really? i wonder why..."
me: "well the class is called children's literature so..."
her: "ya.. i just don't get why they would have you read those."

hmmm... wonder why... ;)

just had to laugh at that one.

i do recommend reading "Miss Spitfire" by Sarah Miller. It's Anne Sullivan's point of view while working with Helen Keller. Really interesting. Quick read. Absolutely loved it! It definitely opened my mind.

i also recommend "Rules" by Cynthia Lord so far (i'm only 60 pages into it). It's about a girl who deals with an autistic brother. I just love reading about people with disabilities. So interesting to me! maybe i should look into that for a major... hmm.. ;)


bree lena said...

you are better than I could ever hope to be. The world needs amazing teachers, not fashion designers haha

andrea said...

The intelligence of people that somehow get into BYU continually amazes me....

She probably wondered why she was supposed to bring her scriptures to her B of M class too.

Kelli said...

Kara, you are so smart! Really. recommending books and everything! I am so jealous. sometimes I feel like college isn't making me smarter. you are smart! and you should look into the disabilities thing, you would be so good at it.