Monday, April 6, 2009

when my mom tells me my neighbor told her...

that she saw me the other day,
and that i looked


maybe that's a good indication that i should start getting pulled together.
make-up and outfits? 
this is going to be a lot of work and a lot of thought...
over things i don't like to worry about.
true story.


My name is Paige said...

Hahah, wait..please dont tell me someone honestly ever said that to your mom. First of all, this neighbor might have some sort of mental disorder..because second of all, we all know that you, wether your in no makeup and sweats or your dressed up..are always stunningly heres what i have to say to that neighbor....
" your absolutley insane, and stupid" haha..seriously. Please...i'm honestly mad! I feel like everytime i have seen you for even a split second running into your house you look not only cute as ever, but so fit and skinny and cute! anyway i hope you know that!
love you dear. miss seeing you around!!
paige- the normal neighbor without psycho problems.

Kara Hill said...

Paige, you are the greatest... I love you and miss seeing you around too!! Hope you're having a blast these last few months of high school! Thank you thank you! You're too sweet.